速報APP / 遊戲 / Dots Tails

Dots Tails





版本需求:Android 4.0 以上版本



聯絡地址:German Titov st. 12k2, Khimki, Russian Federation, 141401

Dots Tails(圖1)-速報App

Dots Tails - is a puzzle game, an intergalactic time accelerator, with the goal of helping Captain Square gather his tails!

Dots Tails(圖2)-速報App

Somewhere in the far far galaxy, Captain Square was waging war against the triangle invaders. In one of the heavy battles his ship was seriously damaged, but the captain’s own spirit was not broken; he understood that he had to retreat, or he would be captured by the hated triangles. An intergalactic jump ship was launched. But something went wrong. The computer set a route right through a giant quasar. When the captain found himself in it, he noticed that he had turned into a huge string of dots, and his intellect had ceased to be a single whole, the whole world consisted of his past, present, and future woven together. In order to escape from this trap, he must gather himself together piece by piece. With his last smidgen of strength he calls on you for help!

Dots Tails(圖3)-速報App

Help him! Become a hero!

Dots Tails(圖4)-速報App